Briefly summarized

You must be 18 years of age, or have your parents' consent, to buy goods from us. When ordering goods in this online store, you accept the terms described below. All information you must provide to complete a purchase is treated confidentially and we do not share any information with third parties. PosterTales AS ( Reg. no. 933 453 537) uses the most cookies as online stores to be able to market our products to people they are interested in.

This purchase is governed by the below standard sales conditions for consumer purchases of goods over the Internet. Consumer purchases over the internet are mainly regulated by the Contracts Act, the Consumer Purchases Act, the Marketing Act, the Right of Cancellation Act and the E-commerce Act, and these laws give the consumer inalienable rights. The laws are available at The terms of this agreement are not to be understood as any limitation of the statutory rights, but set out the parties' most important rights and obligations for the trade.

The terms and conditions of sale have been prepared and recommended by the Norwegian Consumer Protection Authority. For a better understanding of these sales conditions, see the Norwegian Consumer Protection Authority's guide here.


Under no circumstances must you submit photos of children, babies or other people without clothes/diapers. Such photos will be rejected and possibly reported to the police. (Penal Code 267a - With a fine or imprisonment of up to 1 year, anyone who unjustifiably makes available to others an image, film or sound recording of an offensive or obviously private nature, for example of any sexual life or intimate body parts.)
You may not use our Products for any illegal or unauthorized purpose, nor, by using the Service, may you violate any laws in your jurisdiction (including, but not limited to, copyright laws).
We reserve the right to refuse service to anyone for any reason at any time. You agree not to reproduce, duplicate, copy, AI train, sell, resell or exploit any part of the Service, use of the Service or access the Service or any contact on the website through which the Service is provided, without our express written permission.

Prices for our products are subject to change without notice.
We reserve the right at any time to modify or discontinue the Service (or any part or content thereof) without notice at any time.
We shall not be liable to you or any third party for any changes, price changes, suspension or discontinuance of the Service. We have made every effort to display as accurately as possible the colors and images of our products displayed in the store. We cannot guarantee that your computer monitor's display of any colors will be accurate. We reserve the right, but have no obligation, to restrict the sale of our products or services to any person, geographic region or jurisdiction. We may exercise this right on a case-by-case basis. We reserve the right to limit the quantity of products or services we offer. All product descriptions or product prices are subject to change at any time without notice, at our sole discretion. We reserve the right to discontinue any product at any time. We do not guarantee that the quality of products, services, information or other materials purchased or obtained by you will meet your expectations, or that any errors in the service will be corrected.

We may give you access to third-party tools over which we neither monitor nor have control or input. You acknowledge and agree that we provide access to such tools "as is" and "as available" without any warranties, representations or conditions of any kind and without any endorsement. We shall have no liability whatsoever arising out of or related to your use of optional third-party tools.

Any use of the optional tools offered through the Site is entirely at your own risk and discretion, and you should ensure that you are familiar with and agree to the terms of the tools offered by the relevant third party provider(s).

We may also in the future offer new services and/or features through the Site (including the release of new tools and resources). Such new functions and/or services shall also be subject to these terms of use.


The agreement consists of these terms and conditions of sale, information provided in the ordering solution and any separately agreed terms. In the event of any conflict between the information, what is separately agreed between the parties takes precedence, as long as it does not conflict with mandatory legislation.

The agreement will also be supplemented by relevant legal provisions that regulate the purchase of goods between traders and consumers.

The parties  

The seller is PosterTales AS, Vennersborgveien 26,, telephone 41217169, Organization no. 933 453 537, and is hereinafter referred to as the seller/seller.

The buyer is the consumer who makes the order, and is referred to in the following as the buyer/buyer.

Prices and shipping

The current price for all products is determined by the price at the time of ordering. Reservations are made for proofreading errors and technical errors, as well as events beyond PosterTales AS's control. The stated price for the product and services is the total price the buyer must pay excluding shipping costs. This price includes all taxes and additional costs. Additional costs that the seller has not informed about before the purchase shall not be borne by the buyer.
Products are sent by freight forwarder, with a delivery time of around two to five days. All prints are packed in protective and solid cardboard tubes. Unclaimed packages are returned from the forwarder to us after approximately 14 days.

Agreement conclusion  

The agreement is binding for both parties when the buyer has sent his order to the seller.

The agreement is nevertheless not binding if there has been a typing or typing error in the offer from the seller in the ordering solution in the online store or in the buyer's order, and the other party realized or should have realized that there was such an error.


Delivery has taken place when the buyer, or his representative, has taken over the thing.

If no delivery time is stated in the order solution, the seller must deliver the goods to the buyer without undue delay and no later than 30 days after the order from the customer. The goods must be delivered to the buyer unless otherwise separately agreed between the parties.

Risk for the item

The risk for the goods passes to the buyer when he, or the buyer's representative, has had the goods delivered.

Right of withdrawal delivers unique and original images to each and every customer, which means that it is not possible to resell the images to another buyer.

You do not have a right of cancellation or an automatic right of return for goods that have been manufactured to the consumer's specifications, or that have been given a distinct personal touch, so-called made-to-order purchases. Section 23 subsection 4 of the Consumer Purchase Act.
We therefore have no general right of withdrawal as the images are specially adapted to each purchase. If, as expected, you are not satisfied with the purchase, you can contact us at and describe what you are not satisfied with.

In the event of a return, you must pay for the shipment yourself and the product must be delivered in the same condition as you received it, with original packaging from

Return of products is sent to:
Poster Tales AS - Vennersborgveien 26, 0281 Oslo

Payment and receipt

We accept card payment with Visa and Mastercard. Our payment partner Vipps ensures secure, fast and encrypted payment where PosterTales AS never receives your card details. After a completed purchase, you will receive a receipt to the e-mail address you registered when paying.

The seller can demand payment for the item from the time it is sent from the seller to the buyer.

If the buyer uses a credit or debit card for payment, the seller can reserve the purchase price on the card when ordering. The card is charged on the same day the item is sent.

When paying by invoice, the invoice is issued to the buyer when the goods are dispatched. The payment deadline appears on the invoice and is a minimum of 14 days from receipt.

Buyers under the age of 18 cannot pay with a subsequent invoice.

Complaints and warranty

We hope you will be satisfied with your products. If you should discover an error, you must inform us of the error within a reasonable time. It must be present when you receive the product and must be documented at the same time, for example with a photo. If the product is faulty or missing, you can demand a correction, get a new equivalent product or cancel the purchase.

Delay and non-delivery - the buyer's rights and deadline for reporting claims

If PosterTales AS does not deliver the item or delivers it late in accordance with the agreement between the parties, and this is not due to the buyer or circumstances on the buyer's side, the buyer may, in accordance with the rules in Chapter 5 of the Consumer Purchase Act, according to the circumstances withhold the purchase price , demand fulfillment , raise the agreement and/or claim replacement from the seller.

In the case of claims for default powers, the notification should be in writing for reasons of evidence (e.g. e-mail)


The buyer can maintain the purchase and demand fulfillment from PosterTales AS. However, the buyer cannot demand fulfillment if there is an obstacle that the seller cannot overcome, or if fulfillment will cause such a great inconvenience or cost to the seller that it is significantly out of proportion to the buyer's interest in the seller fulfilling. Should the difficulties disappear within a reasonable time, the buyer can still demand fulfillment.

The buyer loses his right to demand fulfillment if he or she waits an unreasonably long time to make the claim.


If PosterTales AS does not deliver the item at the time of delivery, the buyer must encourage the seller to deliver within a reasonable additional deadline for fulfillment. If the seller does not deliver the goods within the additional deadline, the buyer can cancel the purchase.

However, the buyer can cancel the purchase immediately if the seller refuses to deliver the item. The same applies if delivery at the agreed time was decisive for the conclusion of the agreement, or if the buyer has notified the seller that the time of delivery is decisive.

If the item is delivered after the additional deadline set by the consumer or after the time of delivery which was decisive for the conclusion of the agreement, a claim for cancellation must be made within a reasonable time after the buyer became aware of the delivery.

If the item has not been corrected or re-delivered, the buyer can also cancel the purchase if the defect is not insignificant.


The buyer can claim compensation for a slight loss as a result of the delay. However, this does not apply if the seller proves that the delay is due to an obstacle beyond the seller's control that could not reasonably have been taken into account at the time of the agreement, avoided, or overcome the consequences of.

Defects in the product - the buyer's rights and complaint deadline

If there is a defect in the goods, the buyer must notify the seller within a reasonable time after it was discovered or should have been discovered that he or she wants to claim the defect. The buyer has always complained in sufficient time if it happens within 2 months. from the time the defect was discovered or should have been discovered. Complaints can be made no later than two years after the buyer took over the item. If the product or parts of it are intended to last significantly longer than two years, the complaint deadline is five years.

If the item has a defect and this is not due to the buyer or conditions on the buyer's side, the buyer may, in accordance with the rules in the Consumer Purchase Act, chapter 6, according to the circumstances keep the purchase price back , choose between correction and redelivery , demand price reduction , demand the agreement terminated and/or demand replacement from the seller.

Complaints to the seller should be made in writing.

Correction or redelivery

The buyer can choose between demanding that the defect be rectified or delivery of similar items. The seller can nevertheless object to the buyer's claim if the implementation of the claim is impossible or causes the seller unreasonable costs. Correction or redelivery must be made within a reasonable time. In principle, the seller does not have the right to make more than two remedial attempts for the same defect.

Price reduction

The buyer can claim an appropriate price reduction if the item is not corrected or re-delivered. This means that the ratio between the reduced and agreed price corresponds to the ratio between the item's value in defective and contractual condition. If there are special reasons for this, the price discount can instead be set equal to the significance of the defect for the buyer.

The seller's rights in the event of the buyer's default

If the buyer does not pay or fulfill the other obligations under the agreement or the law, and this is not due to the seller or circumstances on the seller's side, the seller may, in accordance with the rules in the Consumer Purchase Act, chapter 9, depending on the circumstances hold the item back , claim fulfillment of the agreement, demand the agreement raised as well as demand replacement from the buyer. The seller will also be able to demand, depending on the circumstances interest in case of late payment, debt collection fee and a reasonable one fee for unclaimed goods .


The seller can maintain the purchase and demand that the buyer pays the purchase price. If the goods have not been delivered, the seller loses his right if he waits an unreasonably long time to make the claim.


The seller can terminate the agreement if there is a significant payment default or other significant default on the part of the buyer. The seller cannot withdraw if the entire purchase price has been paid. If the seller sets a reasonable additional deadline for fulfillment and the buyer does not pay within this deadline, the seller can cancel the purchase.

Interest in case of late payment/collection fee

If the buyer does not pay the purchase price in accordance with the agreement, the seller can claim interest on the purchase price in accordance with the Late Interest Act. In the event of non-payment, the claim may, after prior notice, be sent to debt collection. The buyer can then be held liable for fees according to the Debt Collection Act.

Fee for undelivered non-prepaid goods

If the buyer fails to collect unpaid goods, the seller can charge the buyer a fee. The fee shall at most cover the seller's actual outlay for delivering the goods to the buyer. Such a fee cannot be charged to buyers under the age of 18.


A warranty given by the seller or the manufacturer gives the buyer rights in addition to those the buyer already has under non-derogable legislation. A guarantee thus implies no restrictions on the buyer's right to complain and claim in the event of delay or defects

Personal information

The controller for collected personal data is the seller. Unless the buyer agrees otherwise, the seller can, in line with the Personal Data Act, only obtain and store the personal data that is necessary for the seller to be able to carry out the obligations under the agreement. The buyer's personal data will only be disclosed to others if it is necessary for the seller to complete the agreement with the buyer, or in statutory cases

Conflict resolution

Complaints are addressed to the seller within a reasonable time. The parties shall attempt to resolve any disputes amicably. If this is not successful, the buyer can contact the Norwegian Consumer Protection Authority for mediation. The Norwegian Consumer Protection Authority is available on 23 400 600 or .

The European Commission's complaints portal can also be used if you wish to lodge a complaint. It is particularly relevant if you are a consumer living in another EU country. The complaint is submitted here: .


PosterTales AS is responsible for all personal information shared with us in connection with purchases. The information is necessary for us to be able to send products to the right person and address, as well as make contact if necessary in connection with delivery. The information is not shared under any circumstances with third parties and you have the right to see what information is stored about you. You can ask PosterTales AS to delete or correct this information at any time. By purchasing, you accept the terms described above.


Under no circumstances will we or any other party involved in creating, producing or operating this website ( | Poster Tales AS) be responsible for any direct or indirect damages resulting from (I) information on postertales. no, (II) products that are sold or (III) other conditions related to the service. You hereby agree that this section shall apply to all products, content and services available on the website.


Do you have questions regarding our sales terms and conditions? Feel free to contact us at